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Data Grid - Column groups

Group your columns.

Grouping columns allows you to have a multi-level hierarchy of columns in your header.

Define column groups

You can define column groups with the columnGroupingModel prop. This prop receives an array of column groups.

A column group is defined by at least two properties:

  • groupId: a string used to identify the group
  • children: an array containing the children of the group

The children attribute can contain two types of objects:

  • leafs with type { field: string }, which add the column with the corresponding field to this group.
  • other column groups which allows you to have nested groups.
      groupId: 'internal data',
      children: [{ field: 'id' }],
      groupId: 'character',
      children: [
          groupId: 'naming',
          children: [{ field: 'lastName' }, { field: 'firstName' }],
        { field: 'age' },

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1–9 of 9

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Customize column group

In addition to the required groupId and children, you can use the following optional properties to customize a column group:

  • headerName: the string displayed as the column's name (instead of groupId).
  • description: a text for the tooltip.
  • headerClassName: a CSS class for styling customization.
  • renderHeaderGroup: a function returning custom React component.

Rows per page:

1–9 of 9

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Group header height

By default, column group headers are the same height as column headers. This will be the default 56 pixels or a custom value set with the columnHeaderHeight prop.

The columnGroupHeaderHeight prop can be used to size column group headers independently of column headers.

Rows per page:

1–9 of 9

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Column reordering

By default, the columns that are part of a group cannot be dragged to outside their group. You can customize this behavior on specific groups by setting freeReordering: true in a column group object.

In the example below, the Full name column group can be divided, but not other column groups.

Total Rows: 9
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Collapsible column groups

The demo below uses renderHeaderGroup to add a button to collapse/expand the column group.

Rows per page:

1–9 of 9

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Manage group visibility 🚧

The column group should allow to switch between an extended/collapsed view which hide/show some columns.

Column group ordering 🚧

Users could drag and drop group header to move all the group children at once, like they can already do it with normal columns.